Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the introduction

Well...here I am. I have entered the blogging community. Some of my friends have blogs and they have been asking me why I have not jumped on this bandwagon. So, here I am today having climbed aboard this cyber world where my words go out into the wild blue yonder for the whole world to view if they so choose. Strange! As I sit here to try and figure out what in the world I will write about I keep telling myself that no one will care about the day-to-day affairs of my life. But, as I have been told, blogging is more for yourself than for anyone else. It is a way to get my thoughts out there--sort of a cathardic measure. So, to the lights of my life--my husband and two boys--you will now be kissing your privacy goodbye! The goings-on of the Bourne household will now be shared with the masses...


Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Can't wait to see what lies ahead -- I'm sure you'll have some great things to share!

Sonya Terrell said...

YEAH....I am so excited you finally decided to consent to all your friends pressures!! I imagine you got tired of waiting for you so called blogging friends to blog on a regular basis...so you decided to pick up the slack.

Can't wait to read more! Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your site, honey! I love you and thank the Lord for His work in your heart. I really enjoyed hearing about Jordan's thoughts. The Lord is answering my prayers for you all. Love you so much! Dad

Anonymous said...

Girl I love this page! The only request I make is more Titus quotes and Jordan stories. They are the funniest kids! I love you tons. PS - Did you hear about me seeing a plane crash two days ago on 76 Blvd? I'm gonna blog about it and the tornado soon. Miss you sis!